10 Fellows contributing to Pharm-ERA research objectives

To reach it's objectives, Pharm-ERA project proposes a high-level interdisciplinary and intersectoral research and training network on new strategies and tools to explore the fate, effects and environmental risks of PhACs, AMR and pathogens in terrestrial and aquatic environments.

PhD offers
Overall scientific philosophy of the Pharm-ERA project. (F.x = Fellow number)

The main scientific objective is to develop and implement innovative concepts, methods and strategies to improve the monitoring and assessment of the environmental effects and risks of PhACs, their TPs, AMR and pathogens from terrestrial to aquatic environments (Fig. 1.1). The ultimate goal is to provide scientific evidence and expertise to contribute to reducing the environmental spread and impact of these chemical and microbiological contaminants and to preserve microbial diversity and functions across the soil-watersediment continuum. To this aim, we bring together academic and non-academic scientists and experts in soil and aquatic sciences to implement an integrated view from an ecosystem perspective.


