Pharm-ERA, a balanced consortium led by INRAE

Pharm-ERA consortium, led by INRAE, gathers 9 beneficiaries and 6 associated partners including a good balance between academia and non-academia sectors and offering a complete set of interdisciplinary skills for the project.

The ‘triple I’ dimension (international, interdisciplinary and intersectoral) is expressed at both the individual Fellow level and the collective network one: each Fellow is under the co-supervision of one supervisor (Academic or Non-Academic) + one Academic co-supervisor, as well as one Non-academic mentor if the supervisor is from Academia. It allows to bring together experts from at least two different disciplines in a common project: e.g. chemistry and in silico modelling (PhD 1, 10), chemistry and microbial ecology/ecotoxicology (PhD 2-9), genomics/metabolomics and microbial ecotoxicology (PhD 3-9). It is reinforced at the network level through the training programme, which includes lectures and practical courses (during the summer school) on different disciplines and methods and through scientific collaborations between fellows within the different WPs (e.g. joint experiments between PhD 1&2, PhD 3&5, PhD 7&8). The integration of methods and disciplines to pursue the objectives is ensured by the fact that Pharm-ERA members have a strong track record of collaboration in research and training via current and previous EU projects, such as Keybioeffects (CSIC-CEAB [H. Guasch ex UdG]+UFZ) and Modelkey (UFZ+CSIC-CEAB [H. Guasch ex UdG]) for aquatic environments or Love-to-Hate (UTH+INRAE+AEIFORIA), Ecofun Microbiodiv (INRAE+UTH) and Aristo (UTH+INRAE+UFZ) for soil environments.





Modification date: 20 March 2024 | Publication date: 12 March 2024 | By: Emilie EGEA