Thank you for your numerous applications (334!), PhD applications are closed.

The selecting committee is now reviewing applications. You are encouraged to check the website regularly to be updated on the latest information.

How to apply to Pharm-ERA?

  1. Select your topic in the PhD offers page & download the detailed offer, please note that it is possible to apply for several offers
  2. Download application form (here) and fill it indicating all the offers you wish to apply for. Save it with the name "PhD application form - YOUR NAME (first and last)"
  3. Send your application by email to The title of your email MUST be : Pharm-ERA PhD x, x, x application (x, x, x being the number(s) of the PhD position(s) you want to apply for). Please favor sending documents using a file transfer solution (e.g. wetransfer).
    If you are applying for PhD position 4 at the UNIVERSITY OF GOTHENBURG, please read carefully the "How to apply" procedure in the PhD4 offer to comply with UNIVERSITY OF GOTHENBURG requirements.
  4. Be careful to join all documentation required (see list below)
  5. You will receive an aknowledgment of receipt within the next 2 working days (if it's not the case, send an email to
  6. DEADLINE for application is April 14th 2024, 6:00 pm french time

Documentation to be sent in by applicants:

  • Application form completed
  • Letter of motivation
  • Contact of two reference persons to be contacted by the selection committee (name, relation to the candidate, e-mail address and phone number)
  • CV
  • Complete list of publications and academic works
  • Proof of language proficiencies
  • Proof of master diploma or 2024 registration to master degree
Visit list of PhD project offers.