Improving monitoring and environmental risk assessment of pharmaceuticals, antimicrobial resistance and pathogensfrom terrestrial to aquatic environments .
Stéphane PESCE1, Emilie EGEA1, Natàlia CORCOLL2, Benoit COURNOYER3, Delphine DELAUNAY4,Benoit FERRARI5, Federico FERRARI6, Helena GUASCH7, Dimitrios KARPOUZAS8, Adrian C. LOVE9, Alexandra MEZITI10,Victoria OSORIO11, Lorenzo PROIA12, Mechthild SCHMITT-JANSEN13, Albert SOROLLA14, Paul THOMAS15, Chloé BONNINEAU1
4th International Conference in Microbial Ecotoxicology - Ecotoxicomic 2024

1French National Research Institute for Agriculture, Food and Environment; 2University of Gothenburg; 3National Centre for Scientific Research, Microbial Ecology Research Unit; 4Foundation evertéa; 5Swiss Centre for Applied Ecotoxicology; 6Aeiforia srl; 7Center for Advanced Studies of Blanes - Spanish National Research Council; 8University of Thessaly; 9AquaBioTech Limited; 10SmallOmics; 11Institute of Environmental Assessment and Water Research; 12Fundació Universitària Balmes; 13Helmholtz Centre for Environmental Research GmbH - UFZ; 14Naturalea Conservacio S.L; 15KREATiS - Experts in Computational (Eco)Toxicology
Abstract :  Global contamination of soil and aquatic ecosystems by pharmaceutical and microbiological pollutants (such as antimicrobial-resistant microorganisms and/or pathogens) raises severe concerns about impacts on ecosystem health and repercussions on humans and animals. Preserving ecosystems from adverse ecotoxicological effects of pharmaceuticals and their transformation products and limiting the environmental spread of antimicrobial resistance and pathogens is imperative to reach several UN Sustainable Development Goals as well as the European Green Deal, Water Framework Directive and Biodiversity Strategy for 2030. To meet these huge environmental and societal challenges, public and private stakeholders and EU policy makers require improved monitoring and Environmental Risk Assessment to protect microbial diversity and functions in contaminated ecosystems.
In this context, the  MSCA Doctoral Network Pharm-ERA funded by the European Union (Grant Agreement 101119261) proposes a high-level interdisciplinary and intersectoral research and training network based on 10 doctoral projects covering scientific disciplines including environmental and analytical chemistry, microbial ecology, ecotoxicology, molecular biology (incl. multi-omics approaches) and chemical fate/effect modelling. Pharm-ERA involves 9 Beneficiaries (including 2 non-academics) and 6 Associated Partners (including 5 non-academics), committed to contribute to research, training, dissemination, communication and exploitation of results targeting end-users such as Environmental consultancies and agencies. Pharm-ERA will provide EU with high-level scientific experts who will further shape and implement the next generation of environmental management strategies, EU guidelines and regulations to reduce the adverse environmental effects and risks of pharmaceuticals and the spread of antimicrobial resistance and pathogens in terrestrial and aquatic environments. This will ensure sustainability of our ecosystems, fostering positive impacts on human and animal health and well-being far beyond the Pharm-ERA project.
Keywords: Microbial ecotoxicology, Soil-water-sediment continuum, Doctoral network, Interdisciplinary